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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, an herb, has been used by mankind for over 4,500 years. Often referred to as the “medicine plant,” Aloe Vera is truly a natural wonder because of its wide range of beneficial properties.

There are over 200 varieties of aloe that are in the lily family of botanicals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the species that is most commonly grown commercially and known as Aloe Vera. Vera being Latin for “true” or the species of aloe that has all the beneficial properties.

Having originated in the cradle of civilization, Africa, inhabitants would take the Aloe plant with them as they moved to other parts of the world until finally being brought to North America by the Spanish Conquistadors.

It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that Aloe Vera began to be grown commercially in the U.S., primarily in South Texas. In a relatively short period of time, Aloe Vera has become the number one herb of preference for both external and internal uses. It seems to be a paradox that at a time of so many breakthroughs in science and medicine more and more people are seeking natural help for many of their health problems.

Today, as we look for more natural methods of treatments, researchers are beginning to verify that the ancients were justified in their use of Aloe Vera. They have shown that the polysaccharides and other active ingredients that are present in Aloe Vera, do in fact have beneficial properties.


Common Terms

Acemannan is the primary active ingredient in Aloe Vera. Acemannan is a polysaccharide that has been shown to have immunostimulant, antiviral, antineoplastic, and gastrointestinal properties.

Decolorized Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice
Decolorized whole leaf aloe vera juice is produced by grinding the entire leaf followed by treatment of extracted juice by two methods. One method uses activated charcoal and another method uses subzero solvent extraction. Both methods are required to remove unwanted components including the aloe latex. 

Non-Decolorized Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice
Non-Decolorized whole leaf aloe vera juice omits filtration or solvent extraction producing products that contain high levels of anthraquinones. 

Inner Leaf (Fillet) Aloe Vera Juice
Inner leaf gel juice is produced from only the gelatinous fillet of the leaf.

Constituents of Aloe Vera

Acemannan (acetylated mannan), acetylated glucomannan, glucogalactomannan, galactan, galactogalacturan, arabinogalactan, galactoglucoarabinomannan, pectic substance, xylan, & cellulose.

Amino Acids
Alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, hydroxyproline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, tyrosine, & valine.

B1, B2, B6, C, β-carotene, choline, folic acid, & α-tocopherol.

Calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, & zinc.

Alkaline phosphatase, amylase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cyclooxidase, cyclooxygenase, lipase, oxidase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, & superoxide dismutase.

Aloe-emodin, aloetic-acid, anthranol, aloin A and B (or collectively known as barbaloin), isobarbaloin, emodin, & ester of cinnamic acid.

Organic Compounds
Arachidonic acid, γ-linolenic acid, steroids (campestrol, cholesterol, β-sitosterol), triglicerides, triterpenoid, gibberillin, lignins, potassium sorbate, salicylic acid, & uric acid.

Mannose, glucose, L-rhamnose, & aldopentose.

Common Questions

What species of Aloe do you use?
Aloe Vera - Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

Are your products organic?
All of our products are made using 100% organically grown leaves.

Are your products cold processed?
Yes. All Aloe Vera Juice products must be treated for bacteria. An Aloe Vera Juice that is cold processed has been treated for naturally occurring bacteria by HTST (high-temperature, short-time) pasteurization. All of the biologically active components remain intact through this process.

Do you filter out anthraquinones, aloin, alo emodin (group of compounds with laxative effect)?
Yes, during processing anthraquinones, aloin, alo emodin are filtered out to less than 1 part per million.

Why don't you have flavored Aloe Vera Juice?
We are Aloe Vera purists, any ingredients we add to our Aloe Vera Juice means less Aloe Vera Juice.

Do you have preservative-free products?
Yes. Pharm-Aloe 100% Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Capsules.

What percent of Aloe Vera is in your products?
Capsules: 100%
Juice: 99.7%
Gel: 98%

What is the pH of Aloe Vera Juice?
Approximately 4.0.

What is the difference between Aloe Vera Juice and Aloe Vera Gel?
Some Aloe Vera companies add a thickening agent to their Aloe Vera Juice for a consistency that mimics the inside of an Aloe Vera Leaf. There aren't any therapeutic benefits from this.

What is the difference between Aloe Vera Leaf and Aloe Vera Fillet?
Research has shown that the greatest concentration of active ingredients in Aloe Vera is where the rind interfaces with the inner gel. Prior to this finding the inner gel was removed discarding the rest of the leaf. This process is known today as Aloe Vera "Inner Leaf" or "Fillet". Pharm-Aloe Aloe Vera is made by a process that utilizes the entire leaf. This process is known as Aloe Vera "Leaf".

Pharm-Aloe Aloe Vera Juice has 3 to 6 times more potency than Aloe Vera Fillet Juice. We utilize the entire leaf by grinding the leaves into a puree and then remove the rind, anthraquinones, aloin, and aloe emodin, leaving a clear Aloe Vera Juice. Aloe Vera Fillet Juice averages 1,500 mg/L MPS while Aloe Vera Juice averages 7,000 mg/L MPS.

What is fractionally distilled Aloe Vera Juice?
Some Aloe Vera companies fractionally distill their Aloe Vera Juice removing the biologically active solids leaving pure water. It has been proven that all of the beneficial components of Aloe Vera Juice are in the biologically active solids. Any benefits derived from this product are placebo.

Do you add any additional herbs to your Aloe Vera Juice products?
No. Some Aloe Vera companies add other herbs for digestive cleanses, however when Aloe Vera Juice is ingested on a daily basis there is no need for a digestive cleanse.

Is Pharm-Aloe Aloe Vera Juice safe to use while pregnant or for children?
We recommend consulting your medical physician prior to using any of our products for pregnant women or for children under the age of 2. Pharm-Aloe filters out the anthraquinones, aloin, alo emodin (compounds with laxative effect) to less than 1 part per million.

What's the correct way to spell aloe vera?
Some people spell it as one word aloevera or alovera.  The correct spelling is two words as Aloe Vera.

Are your products gluten-free?

Are your products cruelty-free?

Are your products kosher?

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Aloe Vera

IASC: Aloe Vera FAQ

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